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For many of us, Christmas has gone from being a season we enjoyed to being one we endure. We run so hard and deal with so many pressures that when the lights and decoration all go back in the box and into the attic, we feel as though we have missed Christmas. In this series we want to help you rediscover the joy of Christmas by studying through Luke 2.
Some of the most profound truths come in small word packages. One of these little packages is made up of two letters…it is the word “if.” Grammatically speaking, “if” is identified as a conditional particle. That is, it mentions conditions or circumstances upon which certain consequences follow. What if…our lives were meant to be more? What if…our habits were a little different? What if…small changes made the biggest difference? What if…Jesus is who he said he is? What if…we fully followed? New life can be found…if.
The Waiting Game
All of us have experienced seasons of waiting. Waiting in traffic…not fun. Waiting in long grocery store lines…not the best. Waiting on packages to arrive…Waiting in the dentist or doctors office…Waiting in drive thru…Waiting for your food to arrive…Waiting for the bathroom…Waiting of the light to turn green…Waiting for that important phone call… All of these…not fun. But the heaviest WAIT of them all, the wait that seems to be the most strenuous, the wait that seems to create in us the most doubt, the wait that leads us to asking the most questions, the wait that feels the most crushing is when we find ourselves in the place of having to wait on God. This is a series about the life of Joseph and it will help to learn how to wait well.
Made For More
Made For More is a series designed to help us dig in to that tension most of us have felt before, that we were made for more than what we are currently experiencing. We have probably all felt that way in our professional lives, in our relationships, and even in the church. What is that? How do we begin to fix it?
Our Great High Priest
Most followers of Jesus are confident in Jesus ability to provide salvation and eternity in heaven. But what about all of our days here on earth? How confident are you that Jesus is with you and active on a daily basis? This series in the Book of Hebrews takes a look at the superiority of Jesus as the Great High Priest and what He is doing daily for all who call Him Lord.
Chase The Lion
In the Book of 2 Samuel we read about a man named Benaiah. We are told that he went down into a pit and killed a lion on a day when snow had fallen. That action propelled him to the head of the King's security and onto the pages of God's Word. In life we are going to face some situations that create fear. What we do in those moments communicates who God is to the world around us. This series is geared toward helping us face our fears and chase our own lions.
The Periodic Table of Elements identifies an element based on the number of protons found in the nucleus. That number help us know what the element is. What if there was an identifier of authentic faith? In this series we take a look at the Fruit of the Spirit, the element, the identifier of authentic faith in the life of every believer.
Colossians: Christ Alone
When writing to the church at Colossae, Paul argued that there was nothing else needed for salvation except Christ Alone. Even today, we believers can try to add and take away from Christ's completed work and His Word, even if we don't admit it. Join us as we remind ourselves that Christ is more than enough for all our needs.